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Hocky KU/MU Border Showdown: 2018T-Rex Glow in the Dark: 2018Heidi's Pedal Pusher: 2018National Debate Tournament: 2018University Dance Company Concert: 2018KU Swing Society: 2018Bever Research at KU Field Station: 2018KU Football vs Rutgers: 20181803368_MK_KUvsRutgersFootball.3889Common Book: 2018Homecoming Parade: 2018Homecoming Parade: 20181803427_MK_LateNight-52911803427_MK_LateNight-5843Crimson & Blue Day: 2018Jessica Gjerde Up Next: 2018Sam Steuart Up Next: 2018DP6A2797Chancellor and Military Brunch: 2018215A4997